I had been thinking of writing a post about workout scheduling, intensity cycling, and so forth but, I didn't. Instead, I've been working out, flopping on the couch, and occasionally working for my employer. Consider this a warning shot about silences to follow.
My first race of the season, the Savage Adventure Race, is coming up on Sunday and I've been trying to max then taper. It's been a mixed bag - weather and technical issues fiddled with my riding plans on Sunday and strength training was a bust due to overall exhaustion, however I'm treating the week as an overall success. I suspect that I pushed my self too hard over the last couple of weeks leaving me a bit over-trained. Note to self: write that intensity cycling post, then follow the plan! This week is all about prep and maintenance: doing my normal workout routine but at a low intensity, stretching, and basically keeping my head in the game.
A common goof is to train all the way up to the competition, however that's burning energy that could be better used in the race. I heard a coach once say that "the hay is in the barn", meaning don't try to pack more in at the last minute. Therefore, it's better to cruise this week and show up at the starting line fresh (or fresh-ish, it does require a very early wake up on Sunday).
My foot is still bugging me, I think I may have bruised the ball pretty deeply, but I've been able to walk, run, and ride on it so as long as I'm not running on really pointy rocks, I should be OK.
It's too late to put it off, it's nearly time to do this thing!
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